Best Water Technology (BWT) | Intranet | SUNZINET
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Best Water Technology
Best Water Technology
Water is the elixir of life and water is the task of BWT. Founded in 1990, the company's mission is to develop environmentally friendly and economical water treatment products and technologies.
To ensure that the knowledge management of the approximately 3,300 employees is optimal, SUNZINET was commissioned to set up a Digital Workplace.
The Challenge
The previous BWT intranet had no clear goal and the actual purpose of the intranet was hardly clear - especially the use as document storage and strategic channel was blurred. There was a lack of content guidelines and responsibilities for maintenance. SUNZINET was commissioned to develop an intranet on the basis of Sharepoint 2013. Unlike other projects, hosting should not run on normal servers, but in the cloud. In addition, the intranet should also be beautiful - and that is exactly our speciality.