
Niedax Group - Accelerating Niedax Brand Presence with a Brand Relaunch

  • Services

    Digital Strategy

    Brand Strategy

    Digital Marketing

  • technology-icon
    Website Results

    1289x  more traffic

    93/100 SEO Web Vitals

  • Social KPIs

    + 3800 new organic followers

    37% more LinkedIn Followers

    + 8,728 Youtube Views

    57% more video playback rate


  • Customer Since


For more than 100 years, the internationally active Niedax Group has been developing cable laying systems for the largest construction projects of the day. As a solution provider for electrical installations, it offers over 50,000 products for cable laying systems in a wide range of industries, from infrastructure and information technology to the energy sector.


The Goal

As Niedax Group expanded and acquired subsidiaries and joint ventures, communication with them became decentralized with an inconsistent brand appearance. This no longer reflected their position as a global market leader.

SUNZINET became Niedax's partner to enable uniformity along the entire brand journey with a sustainable, overarching brand strategy.


The Challenge

SUNZINET partnered with Niedax to create uniformity in brand journey through sustainable strategy. Our challenges:

  • To create consistency and homogeneity in the brand.
  • Developing a brand architecture, that seamlessly integrated all the subsidiaries and joint ventures that were acquired over the years.
  • To establish a unified and convincing brand image, on various digital channels, that would serve as a foundation for a comprehensive customer journey.

The goal of the brand relaunch for Niedax Group was to create a high-quality brand experience that communicates the internationality and size of the global player with appropriate radiance.



Our approach

To relaunch the Niedax Group brand successfully, we conducted workshops with management and Niedax Digital unit to determine the brand architecture and understand markets and target groups. The result was the established corporate brand becoming the umbrella for all sub-brands, and the vision "One Niedax" guiding the brand relaunch. Comprehensive change communication was implemented, including the "One Niedax" brand video and various change assets like newsletters, intranet, social media communication, and a print campaign.



The Result

Success of 'One Niedax' in numbers

After the Niedax brand relaunch, the company saw significant progress, with high acceptance from internal target groups. Subsidiaries implemented the new brand strategy for themselves weeks after the relaunch.

Here are some more data, numbers, and facts that prove the success of One Niedax.

  • Website traffic increased by 1289x from Oct 2022 to Jan 2023.
  • SEO Web Vitals maintained at 93/100 since the start.
  • Niedax Group's social media channels gained more than 3800 Followers without advertisement
  • LinkedIn saw a 37% growth in the number of followers.
  • Instagram activity increased to 3 times more than its market competitor
  • The Youtube channel got 8,728 more views & 57% of viewers re-played the videos.

The Niedax Group, its subsidiaries and joint ventures now excel with new, concentrated brand power — both internally and across all external communication touchpoints.

Together with SUNZINET, we are shaping the further digital development of our group of companies. The 360-degree view that SUNZINET offers as a digital full-service agency is particularly important for us. SUNZINET supports us both in the development of strategic topics and in their implementation - from internal communication, social media and web presence to the development of a new corporate design. Working with SUNZINET is a pleasure - the team is very committed and solution-oriented at the same time.

Marina Reufels Niedax Group
Marina Reufels Managing Director Niedax Group

Want to Re-vamp your brand?

We will get back to you as soon as possible with the appropriate contact person.
Let's explore your challenges together in our initial online conversation and find out how we can best support you. We are looking forward to getting to know you!


Lukas Kamm

Business Development

0221 / 355 009 13