STAGE ENTERTAINMENT | Digitale Transformation | SUNZINET
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STAGE ENTERTAINMENT: Excellence in Digital Performance for the institution in live entertainment
The German market leader in the field of theater, musicals and shows is also one of the world's leading companies in live entertainment.
The ambitious company is always looking to the future. For this reason, Stage Entertainment Deutschland has commissioned the digital agency SUNZINET to provide advice and support in the restructuring of the digital team.
Inspire customers - optimize conversions
Stage Entertainment Deutschland has made it its goal to react promptly to customer needs and to inspire them even before the show begins. With new ideas, conversions are to be optimized. SUNZINET has served as support for this from the very beginning. Measures used were extensive workshops as well as in-house training and body leasing.
The digital team sets up, the tool landscape expands
On the path of digital transformation, an expansion of the tool landscape is usually not far away. SUNZINET has integrated the following tools into customer processes, among others: Google Analytics 4, Google Optimize, Google Analytics 360, Tag Manager, Web Analytics and Tracking, Iridion and Hotjar. To ensure that these are used properly internally, intensive training sessions were held to build up technical knowledge.
Even though the client is increasingly able to act independently, the collaboration continues on an ongoing basis. The performance of UX campaigns and the website are analyzed and constantly optimized using A/B testing.