apache nifi agency SUNZINET

    +20 years of experience, 160 employees across 3 countries

    Apache NiFi Agency

    Contact us now
    • SUNZINET: Your Apache NiFi partner

      Over 20 years of experience, many successful projects with Apache NiFi. We move, link and integrate your data.

    • Our Apache NiFi services
      As an Apache NiFi agency, we offer secure and profitable implementation of NiFi ETL middleware. In order to guarantee the appropriate deployment, we determine your needs as well as the improvement opportunities offered by the use of Apache NiFi. In this way, we reduce redundancies and technical debt and sustainably improve the architecture of the entire system landscape..
    • Why use Apache NiFi?

      Apache NiFi is a powerful low-code open source platform for data integration and automation of data flows. With NiFi, data can be loaded from various sources, transformed, and transferred to any target system. It is suitable for data integration, ETL, Big Data and IoT applications. NiFi enables orchestration and automation of data flows in a flexible and scalable environment.

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    Apache Nifi - Ihr fachinformatiker für systemintegration SUNZINET
    docker-vertical-logo-in-blau-Ihr fachinformatiker für systemintegration - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    TYPO3 Gold Partner Agentur SUNZINET

    TYPO3 Agentur

    Mit über 500.000 Installationen ist TYPO3 das  am weitesten verbreitete Open Source CMS der Welt. Wir entwickeln und setzen für Sie vielseitige Websites, Intranets und mobile Anwendungen auf TYPO3 Basis um. 

    Our Apache NiFi services 

    • Architecture and process analysis for selecting the right ETL tool.
    • Technical design of future interfaces and data flows as a basis for technical implementation.
    • Implementation of dataflows using Apache Nifi for suitable scenarios, such as: Process automation, data synchronization as well as data migration.
    • Apache NiFi as a Service: Hosting, versioning and backup of Apache NiFi installations.

    • Consulting to improve the existing system landscape and optimize processes.

    • Detailed logging and availability monitoring of your service architecture for fast response times and sustainable system improvements.

    Our Customers: We are growth partners of

    Kundenlogo Siemens AG Grün - Digitalagentur SUNZINET-svg
    Kundenlogo Zeiss Blau und Weiss- Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Bosch: Customer Logo of Digital Agency SUNZINET
    AirPlus Logo
    Gerolsteiner Logo - Kundenprojekt - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo SWM - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo LANXESS Energizing Chemistry schwarz - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo AOK-Verlag schwarz/grün - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo Biontech grün - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo SparkassenZeitung - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo Boesner grün - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo Deutsche Familienversicherung dunkelblau - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo OBI orange - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo SUNPOINT schwarz - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo Yazaki schwarz - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo KoelnBusiness rot - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo Deutsche Ärtzteversicherung blau - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo BERNER Group schwarz - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo Gerresheimer grün - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo Stage Entertainment rot/schwarz - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundelogo Gothaer grün - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundelogo Frische Paradies grau - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo BPW dunkelblau - Digitalagentur SUNZINET
    Kundenlogo der Digitalagentur SUNZINET - swarovski-optik-logo
    Kundenlogo Canon rot - Digitalagentur SUNZINET

    Benefits with SUNZINET as Apache NiFi agency

    • +20 years of experience in digital transformation and implementation of data integration solutions
      Our developers implement "state of the art" processes to bring their data securely, quickly and flexibly into the target system
    • Strong partnerships with leading technology providers
      We have a broad overview of the best solutions to help you deploy and integrate exactly the systems that meet your needs.
    • Flexible and Interdisciplinary Teams
      By working in flexible teams with a wide range of skills, we find the right colleagues for your individual project.
    • Tried and tested processes
      Our established processes ensure an optimal project flow, customer satisfaction and best quality results

    Meet our Apache NiFi specialists

    Sebastian Spill - Chief Technology Officer - SUNZINET

    Sebastian Spill

    Chief Technology Officer
    Marcel Epler - Senior Consultant & Solution Architect - SUNZINET

    Marcel Epler

    Senior Consultant & Solution Architect
    Stephan Ritter - Solution Architect - SUNZINET

    Stephan Ritter

    Solution Architect
    Carlos Reicheneder - fachinformatiker systemintegration SUNZINET

    Carlos Reicheneder


    Our current project with Apache NiFi


    New revenue stream with self-service solution for global translation agency

    To enhance tolingo's digital presence and optimize its service efficiency, we developed a custom solution based on Shopware 6. The new digital platform enables tolingo to market its translation services as seamlessly as purchasing products from an online shop. Therefore, creating a new revenue stream to grow their business.

    Let us future-proof your data management!

    Simply fill out the form and we will get back to you.
    Simona Mayer
    Head of Business Development


    +49 221 / 355 009 0

    • What is Apache NiFi and what is it used for?

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      Apache NiFi is a powerful open source framework for data integration and workflow automation. It enables real-time data capture, transformation, and movement, regardless of format, protocol, or size. Apache NiFi is used for various use cases, including data flow automation, ETL (extract, transform, load), data migration, and real-time data processing.

    • What are the advantages of Apache NiFi compared to other data integration tools?

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      Apache NiFi is characterized by the following advantages:

      • Simple and visual user interface: Apache NiFi provides a user-friendly, graphical interface that makes it possible to handle even complex projects quickly and efficiently.
      • Scalability and high reliability: Apache NiFi allows horizontal scaling to handle large amounts of data and provides error detection and recovery mechanisms to ensure reliable data processing.
      • Wide range of connectors: Apache NiFi provides an extensive collection of connectors to various systems and data sources, facilitating integration with existing systems.
    • What does "Apache NiFi as a Service" mean?

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      We offer the flexible, scalable and therefore sustainable ETL software Apache NiFi as a service. This means that we take care of all infrastructure issues, as well as the processing of the content requirements for the integration project.