Optimized Lead Capture Increases Efficiency at CeramTec

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CeramTec, a supplier and manufacturer of technical ceramics, regularly receives contact inquiries about its extensive service portfolio via its website. Until now, however, lead capture has been a laborious, manual process for CeramTec, costing employees a lot of time. In order to become more efficient, the company got in touch with our SUNZINET experts.

  • Services

    CRM Consulting und Implementation

  • Technology

    Salesforce Flows

    Magic Picklists

    Friendly Captcha

  • Benefits

    Less effort for lead capture

    User-friendly design

    Greater security

  • Project successfully completed in


Automatic transfer of contacts to Salesforce

Goals: Optimum lead capture with SUNZINET

The aim was to integrate a contact form into the website that would optimize CeramTec's lead capture process.

  • The form needed to be user-friendly and appealing, guiding users through the contact form. This was particularly relevant as interested parties must first answer a few questions about their request in the form to assign it correctly. The aim was to minimize bounce rates in this process through a user-friendly design.
  • A key was also to minimize the employee's workload by automatically transferring leads to CeramTec's Salesforce CRM system.
  • Lastly, we wanted to integrate an option to subscribe to the company's marketing updates via the form.

Solution: Upgraded UX with a multi-level form

Our experts used Salesforce Flows, Magic Picklists and Friendly Captcha to implement the form.

  • Screenshots of two stages of the contact form

    To make the process as user-friendly as possible for interested parties, we used Salesforce Flows to create a multi-stage form.

    In the first step, the user selects the subject of their request. Depending on the subject, they are either redirected to further selection options so that the topic can be narrowed down even further – or they are taken directly to the appropriate contact form. They also have the option of subscribing to CeramTec Industrial's marketing mailing list so that they are always up-to-date with the latest company news

    After submitting the form, the contact details are transferred directly to Salesforce. The sender then receives an automatic confirmation e-mail.

  • Attractive icons in the contact form lead to the next form level

    We used Flow Magic Picklists to revise the form design. The tool from Salesforce Labs transforms selection fields into visually appealing selectors and thus improves the user experience. The appealing design makes it easier to fill out the form and optimizes engagement rates.

  • Screenshot of Friendly Captcha, which checks whether the user is human

    Finally, the implementation of Friendly Captcha should ensure that CeramTec only receives trustworthy user requests. Unwanted spam messages are filtered out and it is ensured that only real people (not bots) fill out the form.

Screenshots of two stages of the contact form
Attractive icons in the contact form lead to the next form level
Screenshot of Friendly Captcha, which checks whether the user is human

Benefits: More speed, more security, greater user-friendliness

The form has been embedded in CeramTec's German and English contact page and is being used successfully. There has already been a lot of positive feedback on the new design from employees and customers. The form, which is based on Salesforce Flows, offers the customer the following advantages:

  • More speed: Thanks to the automatic transfer of leads, customer service no longer has to spend time manually transferring data to Salesforce or checking leads individually.
  • More security: Friendly Captcha prevents potentially threatening spam messages from reaching the customer and thus ensures greater security.
  • Greater user-friendliness: The modern design and ease of use enable customers to make specific inquiries and thus receive feedback even more quickly.

About CeramTec

CeramTec has been a supplier and manufacturer of technical ceramics since 1903 and, with around 3,800 employees worldwide, is active at production sites in Europe, the USA and Asia.

Well over 10,000 products, components and parts from the ceramics experts are used in a wide range of applications. It develops and produces customer-specific components in medium and large series from various ceramic materials tailored to customer requirements.

Visit the CeramTec website

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Lukas Kamm
Business Development Digital Marketing


+49 221 / 355 009 0