NKT Group | Website Relaunch | SUNZINET
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A new corporate website and international rollout
The website was launched in just six months. We decided to use the content management system TYPO3. It ensures full flexibility and allows intuitive changes in the backend.
NKT Group
NKT is considered a pioneer in the cable industry. Since 1891, the company has been providing turnkey cable solutions that meet the ever-growing demand for energy. NKT employs approximately 2800 people worldwide. The core business is the development, production and installation of all types of cables. Production takes place exclusively in Europe, but NKT has 23 locations around the world to sell its products. NKT is managed by an eight-member board of directors, with headquarters in Cologne, Germany.
The Challenge
For the manufacturer of turnkey cable solutions, NKT, a corporate site relaunch was to be realized, which encompasses the complete range of services. sunzinet were commissioned to take over consulting, conception, design, development and online marketing fine-tuning. In addition to the corporate site, we were asked to develop an international rollout concept for 6 market sites.