
MyCrefo App

Credit reports at your fingertips - Expanding Creditreform's market reach with the MyCrefo App

The Creditreform Group is one of the world's leading debt collection companies and providers of business information. As an established financial information service provider, Creditreform collects and supplies comprehensive data on companies. With a broad service portfolio that includes company records, credit and risk assessments, receivables management, external position assessment, and market and customer data analysis. Creditreform helps companies evaluate business risks and make informed financial decisions. As their digital partner, we have been working with Creditreform for over 10 years to provide innovative solutions to empower businesses worldwide.


The Goal

Until now, Creditreform Group services could be accessed via the corporate website and an app. Creditreform already offers its members a wide range of services via the customer platform "Meine Creditreform" or the corporate website creditreform.de.
The need to always have these services with them on the go increased, and so the decision was made to develop an app that would meet the growing demands and allow users to access Creditreform's extensive services anytime and anywhere. 
For more than 10 years, we have been managing various channels of, among others: the corporate website "Creditreform.de", the customer portal "Meine Creditreform" and "CrefoNet" (Creditreform's intranet solution). So for the design and concept of the new MyCrefo App we were the perfect partner.


The Challenge

Creditreform has a broad range of business services such as business records, credit and risk assessments, receivables management, and market and customer data analytics. Therefore it was important to analyze the target audience in more detail and develop corresponding user stories based on personas. This helped us determine the best service for the app's minimum viable product (MVP). 

Additionally, we needed to ensure that the app can present complex financial information in an easy-to-understand way.


Our Approach

We conducted workshops with Creditreforms stakeholders to define a member's user journey & more. This workshop helped us to decide that the MVP version of the app should offer the company's most frequently used service. i.e - The MVP version of the app should allow a user to easily retrieve a company's data and creditworthiness information.

The result

Credit reports at your fingertips 24/7 - Expanding Creditreform's market reach with the Mycrefo App

The MyCrefo app provides users with a powerful tool to access important company data. The app optimizes Creditreform's services and presents them in an intuitive way.

The following functions are now available to Creditreform customers:
  • Access to over 5 million company records.
  • Free automated company search.
  • Retrieving and downloading creditworthiness reports.
  • Managing and updating their own company profile.
  • Access to additional benefits. 

The app has been receiving positive responses from its users. This is indicated by the consistently high ratings in the Google play store and Apple app stores.

Additionally, the stakeholders at Creditreform were also enthusiastic about the solution. They recognized that the MyCrefo app not only helps in retaining new existing customers, but also successfully attracts new association members.
The integration of further services is already planned for the future. SUNZINET continues to provide support as a strategic and conceptual partner.

You want to reach more customers?

Let us talk to you personally about your app project!
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