Full Service Digital Agency

We grow & accelerate your business

+20 years of experience, 160 employees in 3 countries for the best customer experience for your customers.

46% more leads through a Website Relaunch

We developed a visually appealing and lead-generating website for AIFS that is tailored for Gen-Z and gives AIFS a competitive edge.


Accelerating Niedax Brand Presence with a Brand Relaunch

We led Niedax Group and its subsidiaries to a significant increase in website traffix, SEO vitals, and social media growth through a brand relaunch.


Our projects


Bosch Digital: More efficiency and sales growth with Salesforce-SAP integration

For a long time, closing deals meant a series of time-consuming manual tasks for Bosch Digital. The new deals had to be created in the SAP system – and information had to be transferred manually from Salesforce to SAP. We supported Bosch Digital by ensuring a smooth exchange of data between the systems. Also, we automated tasks such as data transfer and contract creation.


Creditreform: MyCrefo app ensures greater market reach

Offering customers even more flexibility with an app – that was the goal of Creditreform, one of the world's leading debt collection companies, when it approached SUNZINET. The MyCrefo app was to enable credit checks at any time and from anywhere. We supported our long-standing customer getting it off the ground. With success: the app helped to retain existing customers and acquire new ones.


SWAROVSKI OPTIK: Sales increase after the introduction of the Salesforce B2B Commerce Cloud

SWAROVSKI OPTIK wanted an online store to offer its customers a better customer experience and make shopping easier. We supported the B2B company with our Salesforce Consulting Services. Together, we decided to introduce the Salesforce B2B Commerce Cloud, supported by our experts. The digital solution was a complete success and contributed to an increase in sales and business growth.


TÜV Hessen: 50% more applications with an employer branding campaign

We implemented an effective multichannel employer branding campaign, that enabled TÜV Hessen to reach its potential applicants at relevant touchpoints at the right time. Result - TÜV Hessen could recruit the best talent the market has to offer.

How we work in a nutshell

  • Three people discussing in a meeting

    Our approach is built around regular touchpoints with our clients, including weekly interactions, monthly reporting, quarterly alignments, and annual discussions.

    This structured engagement ensures that we remain fully aligned with your goals, adapting our strategies and solutions to drive your success continuously.

  • Project manager taking a call

    Your SUNZINET journey is led by a dedicated Project Manager—your go-to for everything. They use proven methods to keep your project on track, budget, and time. Expect personalized, detail-oriented support to bring your vision to life, hassle-free.

  • Two people look at results on a screen

    At SUNZINET, we don’t just promise excellence; we deliver measurable success. Our focus on measurable outcomes ensures that every initiative and strategy is optimized for the best possible return on investment, aligning with your growth objectives and key performance indicators.

  • A business man and business woman talking to each other

    With SUNZINET, you have a growth partner. Our interdisciplinary teams, including solution architects and business consultants, provide comprehensive support tailored to your ambitions.

    Whether you’re looking to scale, innovate, or enhance your digital presence, we’re here to ensure your company grows at the pace of your ambition, backed by the latest digital strategies and technologies.

Three people discussing in a meeting
Project manager taking a call
Two people look at results on a screen
A business man and business woman talking to each other

We care & we deliver


SUNZINET's commitment is outstanding

"As a company, we have great tasks ahead of us in many areas. Together with sunzinet, we develop sustainable strategies and translate them into functioning new processes. Communication and consulting with the sunzinet colleagues is fun and always takes place at eye level."

Dr. Arnold Rajathurai Head of Corporate Communications, Bayer

In SUNZINET we have found the optimal partner for the realisation of our corporate website.

"Because our all-round successful cooperation is characterised in particular by the spirit that is so important for coeo: dynamic and flexible, always striving for high quality and efficiency. This enabled us to position ourselves strongly in international competition in a very short time. We look forward to a long-term cooperation with further exciting challenges!"

Sebastian Ludwig Managing Director, Coeo

SUNZINET has already implemented our new website and now also our intranet

"We now have an employee platform that is intuitive to use and runs stably. Thanks to the new Digital Workplace, our employees can now network with each other even more effectively and we as a company are well positioned for the digital transformation."

Oliver Schaal Head of Communication and Public Relations, Rheinische Post Mediengruppe

The cooperation is always constructive and based on partnership."

"We experience SUNZINET as an important partner for the strategic and technical planning and implementation of our intranet. The cooperation is always constructive and based on partnership."

Kristina Streuff Head of Corporate Communications, Orthomol

The communication and consulting with SUNZINET colleagues is fun and always takes place at eye level

"As a company, we have major tasks ahead of us in many areas. Together with SUNZINET, we develop sustainable strategies and implement them in functioning new processes. "

Tim Tüßelmann Digital Marketing, Creditreform

We are more than satisfied with our new online store!

"The store is easy to use, looks very chic and has also extremely simplified the work of our colleagues. The cooperation with SUNZINET went smoothly and we got exactly the result we wanted."

Frank Wintergerst Head of E-Commerce, WOFI LEUCHTEN

We found the right partner in SUNZINET

"Thanks to SUNZINET, our intranet now meets the demands of a modern, intuitive and versatile intranet. We found the right partner in SUNZINET and were perfectly steered through this large project. The intranet has become a place for exchange and a sense of unity. For the corporate culture, a great success."

Johanna Steinke Head of Communication and Marketing, BIM Berliner Immobilienmanagement

We found the collaboration with SUNZINET on our first intranet to be very professional and cooperative

"The team at SUNZINET quickly understood what requirements needed to be met and together we created a helpful internal communication tool for our employees that supports us in our work every day and of which we are very proud. Collaboration and knowledge sharing in our company have improved significantly since the introduction of the new intranet - not least thanks to the intensive change communication."

Ann-Kathrin Krämer Head of Corporate Marketing, Art-Invest

With the decision for SUNZINET, we have made the right choice for our company

"A high quality of consulting for the new and further development of our website as well as great suggestions for new ways in inbound marketing with tools that help increase our efficiency and effectiveness - we are very satisfied and see ourselves well positioned for the future."

Dietmar Bernstein Senior Marketing Manager, Unger

leguano could not have found a better partner for the redesign of our store and the relaunch of the website

"We are completely thrilled with both the cooperation and the result! The team from SUNZINET was in permanent exchange with us and was thus able to react immediately to needs, wishes and challenges. The result: real added value. Many thanks for the patience during the development and the creative as well as professional advice during the implementation of our new modern brand appearance. We look forward to further joint projects!"

Fabian Welke Marketing Manager, Leguano

At SUNZINET, we appreciate the creativity and know-how in addition to the open communication.

"Our cooperation was characterised by the joint development of ideas and topics. Thanks to SUNZINET, we benefit from consulting and implementation in various areas, from CMS to web design to marketing automation."

Hans-Ingo Biehl CEO, Verband Deutsches Reisemanagement

Together with SUNZINET, we succeeded in bringing structure to our project

"To replace the existing intranet with a new, modern and above all up-to-date solution. For this, SUNZINET identified our needs, specified them and presented possible solution providers based on our requirements. Competent, cooperative, transparent and not to forget - very friendly. During the cooperation, it proved to be particularly valuable that SUNZINET is very broadly positioned due to its experience from many successful customer projects. Thanks to the cooperation with SUNZINET, we were finally able to select the right solution for us and gain clarity about how to proceed with the project."

Jörg Bartke Enterprise Architect, DuMont Mediengruppe

Many thanks for the helpful guidance!

"Within 3 months we created a new intranet in the standard of SharePoint Online - with the exception of two specifically developed web parts. I am very excited about everything that is possible in the standard and what new possibilities the intranet offers with the embedding in the Microsoft 365 world! On this first stage of the exciting learning journey, we were able to implement many things ourselves - in doing so, SUNZINET stood by us with open questions in the realisation and supported us in particular with the web parts "menu" and "sales figures" developed by them."

Melanie Giebel Collaboration Manager, Gerolsteiner Brunnen

The exchange is always constructive and appreciative, brings progress and is fun!

"We have a partnership-based, transparent and well-structured cooperation with SUNZINET, in which both sides contribute their expertise, experience and ideas."

Franziska Bittel Project Manager Marketing, Friedwald

With SUNZINET, we have had a reliable partner for our digital transformation at our side for many years

"Together we are continuously improving our digital presence and our digital processes. When working with SUNZINET, we particularly appreciate the strong expertise and the open communication at eye level. We are looking forward to our further, future projects!"

Carsten Huber Head of Marketing, Simonswerk

Professional & outstanding effects

"We have been working with SUNZINET for several years and have successfully implemented various measures and projects. We have become well attuned to each other, so that together we continuously optimize our digital channels. Thus, we can excellently address and inform our customers worldwide with our modern internet presence."

Katrin Köster Head of Company Communication, BPW

We ensure sustainable corporate growth

At SUNZINET we know that every company is unique. 
We find unique, sustainable and innovative solutions, always keeping in mind the challenges, goals and ambitions of your business.
As a full-service agency, we are responsible for evaluating the results of the strategy and optimizing it to enable accelerated growth of your business.

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TYPO3 goes Marketing Automation Headerbild

TYPO3 goes Marketing Automation: So bringen Sie Ihr TYPO3-CMS mit Mautic aufs nächste Level

  • Software und Technologie
  • Digital Marketing
  • CMS/Web Development
Sie spielen mit dem Gedanken, Ihr TYPO3-System mit einem Marketing-Automation-Tool upzugraden? Gut so! Marketing Automation ist mittlerweile mehr Pflicht als Kür, wenn es darum geht, effizientes und personalisiertes Marketing zu machen. Die Kombination von TYPO3 mit Mautic bietet Unternehmen dabei die Vorteile von Open-Source-Software gleich im Doppelpack. Genau wie TYPO3 ist das Marketing-Automation-Tool Mautic nämlich Teil der Open-Source-Initiative und überzeugt Unternehmen mit einem breiten...
Headerbild TYPO3 trifft Elasticsearch

TYPO3 trifft Elasticsearch: Leistungsstarke Suche für eine herausragende UX

  • Software und Technologie
  • Digital Marketing
  • CMS/Web Development
Wenn Sie eine fortschrittliche, leistungsstarke Suche für Ihre TYPO3-Website benötigen, ist Ihnen bei der Recherche sicherlich schon einmal Elasticsearch begegnet. Gerade Unternehmen mit sehr umfangreichen Websites haben oft besondere Anforderungen, was ihre Suchfunktion angeht. Nehmen wir ein Fertigungsunternehmen, das online eine große Bandbreite an industriellen Komponenten, Maschinen und Materialien anbietet. Eine präzise, nutzerfreundliche Suche ist hier wesentlich, damit sich Kunden...
Headerbild zum AI Offer Generator

AI Offer Generator: Automatisierte Angebotserstellung mit KI

  • Digitale Transformation
  • KI
Für viele B2B-Unternehmen eine leidige Aufgabe: Die Angebotserstellung. Anders als im B2C-Bereich weisen Produkte und Services häufig eine komplexe Preisstruktur auf, was es sehr aufwändig macht, Angebote zu erstellen. Dabei stehen Vertriebler doch unter enormen Druck, Angebote schnell und fehlerfrei zu liefern – alles, während sie mehrere Kunden und Projekte gleichzeitig managen. Wie so oft lautet die Antwort auch auf diese Herausforderung: Künstliche Intelligenz! Ein AI Offer Generator – zu...
Shopware 6 Omnichannel-Strategie Header

Shopware 6 für Omnichannel-Strategien: So schaffen Sie eine optimale Customer Experience

  • E-Commerce
  • Digitalstrategie
In einer Zeit, in der die Kundenbindung und das Kundenerlebnis im Mittelpunkt stehen, ist die Umsetzung einer effektiven Omnichannel-Strategie entscheidend für den Erfolg eines jeden Unternehmens. In diesem Blog möchten wir Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie Ihre Kunden mit Shopware 6 ein reibungsloses Omnichannel-Erlebnis ermöglichen und welche Vorteile dies für Ihr Geschäft mit sich bringt. Wir beantworten Ihnen folgende Fragen: Definition: Was ist eine Omni-Channel-Strategie? Funktionen: Was macht...
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TYPO3 goes Marketing Automation Header image

TYPO3 goes Marketing Automation: How to take your TYPO3 CMS to the next level with Mautic

  • Digital Marketing
  • CMS/Web Development
  • Software and Technology
Marketing automation has become more of a necessity than a luxury when it comes to efficient and personalized marketing. Combining TYPO3 with automation tools offers companies the benefits of open-source software in a powerful package. This blog post will focus on the combination of TYPO3 and Mautic. Like TYPO3, Mautic is part of an open-source initiative with a wide range of marketing automation features. We will answer the following questions: What is Mautic? What advantages does Mautic offer...
AI Assistant Sunzinet

AI in Customer Communication: How AI Assistants Boost Sales in the Real Estate Industry

  • Digital Transformation
  • AI
Artificial intelligence is changing customer communication across various sectors, including real estate development. With an industry-specific AI assistant (or AI-powered chatbot), targeting customer needs and increasing sales has never been easier. In this blog article you will learn, how an AI assistant addresses typical challenges in real estate customer communication, which benefits it offers your company, and how the use of the solution could look like in practice. Let’s dive in!
Header image TYPO3 meets Elasticsearch

TYPO3 meets Elasticsearch: Boost Performance and Accuracy of your Search Function

  • Digital Marketing
  • CMS/Web Development
  • Software and Technology
Are you looking for an advanced, high-performance search for your TYPO3 website? Elasticsearch might be the solution you need. In B2B industries, companies often showcase a wide range of products, services, and technical documentation. Efficient search capabilities are crucial for enabling business clients to quickly locate specifications, compare options, and make informed purchasing decisions. Take the manufacturing industry, for example. These websites often manage extensive catalogs of...
AI Offer Generator: The tool to make your Sales Team's life easier

AI Offer Generator: The tool to make your Sales Team's life easier

  • Digital Transformation
  • AI
For B2B companies with products or services that have complex pricing structures, creating commercial offers can be a time-consuming and meticulous task. Sales specialists are often under immense pressure to deliver high-quality, tailored offers swiftly while managing multiple clients and projects. Therefore an AI Offer generator is helpful for your team if you have the following business challenges: Your team spends excessive time crafting detailed and accurate proposals for multiple clients....
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