SparkassenZeitung | App Development: An App that empowers collaboration to drive growth
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Transforming Communication: An App that empowers collaboration to drive growth
SUNZINET transformed the SparkassenZeitung into a modern web app and native mobile apps, enabling seamless communication and collaboration within the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe. With features like content control, push notifications, biometric authentication, surveys, and access control, the solution empowers employees and editors alike. This central system fosters team collaboration, eliminates communication gaps, and creates way for sustainable growth.
Transforming Communication: An App that empowers collaboration to drive growth
With its central role in the DSV Group and close integration with Sparkassen, Deutscher Sparkassenverlag ensures smooth operations. Headquartered in Stuttgart, its 10,000+ employees across Germany provide dedicated services to regional Sparkassen, giro associations, and Landesbanken. From media content provision to seamless information flow, DSV Group is committed to supporting its partners.
SUNZINET came on board to enhance communication efficiency within a complex organizational structure.
Our Goal
Update needed: internal communication within the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe took place via many different, sometimes outdated media.
Good internal communication is the key to employee retention and motivation as well as flawless knowledge transfer. Therefore our goal was to create a central and modern system for Sparkassenverlag, that fosters collaboration and growth.
The key Objectives of the Solution were the following:
- News app that delivers up-to-date information for board members,
executives and all employees within the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe directly to the smartphone. - Bundling of all information sources, including specialist information or circulars.
- Internal communication within individual Sparkassen.
The Challenge
To kickstart the process, we initiated a complete revamp of the "SparkassenZeitung" online portal. Our aim was to enhance its functionality by developing a mobile app alongside it.
This app needed to cater to both general users with public access and specific user groups with premium authorization. Additionally, we prioritized enabling content management for approximately 5,500 editors at Sparkassenverlag.
The Result
A central communication medium for all employees
In response to the challenges and the demand for a modern system, we developed a solution with a wide array of functions:
- SparkassenZeitung transformed into a web app (PWA) and native apps for Android and iOS.
- Seamless content and client control through integration with the editorial backend (Drupal).
- Optional push notifications to keep users informed.
- Convenient biometric authentication using FaceID or TouchID.
- An integrated survey tool for gathering valuable insights.
- A robust paywall system with access control based on rights and roles.
Both employees of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe and Sparkassenverlag editors now benefit from a centralized system. This structured and accessible source of information fosters team cohesion and eliminates communication gaps. This project implementation marks a significant milestone for the company, paving the way for better communication, collaboration and sustainable growth.