
Niedax Group: Digital transformation from 0 to 100

Together with Niedax Digital, SUNZINET is shaping the digital transformation at one of the world leaders in the design and manufacture of cable laying systems. At the beginning, the full service digital agency was commissioned by the customer to revise the social media presence. The existing potential for further digital development in other areas was uncovered in the process. The result? A cooperative partnership and the implementation of numerous projects. 


Full service approach - customer potentials are expanded 

The digital lead agency consulted Niedax with a 360-degree view in the areas of digital marketingdigital workplacesocial mediabrand and content.
SUNZINET then worked with Niedax Digital to strategically revise a brand strategy and branding, as well as develop the historically evolved brand world, including logo evolution for the Group and all subsidiaries. In addition, the corporate design and corporate wording were revised. 
A PR and social media concept was developed and supported operationally. From social media to the website to videos and brochures - the holistic omnichannel strategy and its implementation was comprehensively managed by SUNZINET.
With Staffbase technology, SUNZINET created a Digital Workplace for over 2,350 employees.


A uniform brand structure as an outcome 

The entire look and feel was unified and modernized. The adapted brand message is now played out across all touchpoints. It stands for high-quality electrical installation solutions for a safe electrical world. 

Together with SUNZINET, we are shaping the digital further development of our group of companies. The 360-degree view that SUNZINET offers as a digital full-service agency is particularly important for us. SUNZINET supports us both in the development of strategic topics and in their implementation - from internal communication, social media and web presence to the development of a new corporate design. Working with SUNZINET is a great pleasure - the team is very committed and at the same time solution-oriented."

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Marina Reufels Managing Director der Niedax Digital

Good relationships begin personally

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Simona Mayer

Head of Business Development

0221 / 355 009 13

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